Monday, 28 September 2009


Something I'm working on ( © me ).
Is it worth bothering with/should I cease & desist forthwith?

As Ever
As ever, we're bound by the shackles of our prejudices
And as ever, we don't know this.
We see through our fingers
And only glimpse what filters through.

As ever, we're bowed by the weight of our inhibitions
And as ever, we simply hunch.
We lift with our backs
And wonder why our legs are aching.

As ever, we're informed by sources that please us
And as ever, we negate those that don't.
We read through a sieve
And ignore the small, lost grains.

Thursday, 24 September 2009

Pissed old git dead.

Hmmm - “Floyd just wanted to cook, eat well, get a bit pissed, make enough money to maintain his somewhat hedonsitic lifestyle and enjoy himself. Don’t we all?"

Well, I would contend that "live a lot longer than 65 years" would have also featured on that list if anyone had actually asked him. And he had no cash to continue being hedonistic because (yet another) ex-wife was fleecing him for his last sou. Plus from the programme about him last week his very self-awareness that he had turned into an obnoxious, arrogant pisshead and irretrievable cunt was palpable in his every sweaty, laboured, dying breath. His self-loathing was bountifully evident in his demeanour after he told his daughter - who he hadn't seen or contacted in 10 years - to "shut your fucking face" at their reunion dinner. Giles Coren has it right (as ever) here:

(apologies for duplication - this is a reply I'd posted on Steve Shark's blog ( here)

Friday, 14 August 2009

Les Paul - cheers, mate.

Just heard he's died. Here's a lovely little movie:

The guitar was actually out of production when Eric Clapton recorded this

with John Mayall - a year or so later it became the biggest selling guitar of all time. Have a listen - at 0:57 you start hearing something no-one had used before; feedback. A killer signature lick at 1:11 and then from 1:22 a solo that still brings the hair on the back of your arms to attention.

Cheers, mate. We owe you.

Friday, 3 July 2009

Why boys need their parents - part 5 of an occasional series

or: "More fun with electricity"!

Holy shit/fun with electricity

I'm doing up the kitchen.
This of necessity involves loads of hacking and destruction, which is nice.
Part of said hacking has included removing the old floor and wall units and chipping off of tiles; behind one of the floor units was a mains socket suppying power to the downlighting from the wall units.
Having removed the units and tiles, here's how I found the socket had been wired in:

Nice, eh!

Thursday, 11 June 2009

Footballers are *so* gay - Part 3

What bastard is wearing Rosa Klebb's boots?

Holy shit it's only a sodding CARPET FFS!

Just had a geezer round to measure up our hallway for a new carpet. £963!!!!! Nine sodding hundred and sixty three bloody quid! For a carpet! A CARPET FFS!
Bloody bleeding bloody hell.

Where's the Jim Beam?

Friday, 5 June 2009